Tuesday 17 December 2013

Spot The Difference...

There appears to be outrage spiraling through the fashion sections of online media this today, as it has been confirmed that a 2011 cover shoot for 'Flare' magazine (Never heard of it? Nope, me neither) of Jennifer Lawrence appears to have been Photoshopped...... Shock. Horror.

Now, I don't know if any of you can sense my sarcasm there, and if you did you're either a close friend of mine I've badgered to read this ,or, you are just as perplexed as I am as to why this revelation that magazines Photoshop images is suddenly a shock?
Firstly I am going to let you make your own judgement as to whether you think J-Law has undergone serious surgery or just a wee nip and tuck, see the link below for the before and after shots....


Now I don't want anyone to mis-translate what I am saying. I do not think that anything about J-Laws original image needed to be changed, I think she is a fantastic role model for young girls with regards to her image and fully back her outspoken and strong minded opinions on the pressure that is put on young women today with their body image. However, I also do not think that J-Law has been transformed into a completely different person here (the mail online is making out like she's metamorphsied into a twig) and think if anything she should be offended that people have actually believe there to be such a grand adjustment taken place. Yes, they may have smoothed the waist EVER so slightly and defined some features, but she still looks as breathtaking as she does in the original image. To the point where I personally have difficulty telling the difference. 

Not only is the tweaking of this photo very slight, but let's be honest, we all do it if we can. I would like to know how many of the people who are demanding civil war over the changes of this photo have ever Instagramed a photo of themselves and filtered it to look flawless, or brightened the colouring of their Facebook photos to give themselves a healthy glow (I'll put my hands up, I do both). We all tweak and change images of ourselves to some extent, and for a publication that makes it business on imagery to make some tiny adjustment, I think can be forgiven.

So what's your opinion on the great Photoshop debate? Should J-Law be so outraged by these moderation's she should pursuit lawsuit? Or, do you think that it was almost 2 years ago now, and I'm not sure I even see a difference?

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