Tuesday 10 December 2013

Scrunch Up

When my best friend once arrived in my presence wearing her hair tied up with a big bulging scrunchie, I firstly thought for a second I had been catipulted into an episode of 'Saved by the Bell', and then I proceeded to laugh a lot.

However, looks like she had the last laugh as a couple months later I was in exactly the position, and had a close friend laughing at me whilst repeatedly calling me 'quirky' pointing at what was tied on top of my head. I then tried to defend my beloved bouffant hair tie with similar lines that my friend had said to me whilst I had been raucously laughing at her. Ones such as "they are just so much softer on my hair!" failed to slide with my mate, and I progressively gave up.

She just loves scrunchies (almost imposed your face onto this, Joanne Pilkington).

However, despite myself having been both laughing and being laughed at, the scrunchie is top of the come back charts within fashion for 2013. With quite a few 20 somethings and older donning the retro accessory to hold back their locks, it's time to look back on what brought the 80s back without looking like you were dressing up for a themed party too much. With an array of celebrities, designers and the general public sporting the scrunchie, maybe it's about time we all let go of our hang ups for this elasticated gem and put our hair up with it instead.... here's to moving the scrunchie forward to 2014

Want to help the scrunchy motion? Look below for where you can get yours.. (you can even buy them in co-op)



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